Microsoft’s fixing this annoying Windows 11 fault • Blisstech Solutions

Windows 11 has brought some great features to the table for businesses. And Microsoft’s working to make it even better.

One thing I know many of us struggle with is the Windows 11 Recommendations feature in the Start menu. If you’ve ever clicked on it, expecting to see something helpful only to find suggestions that don’t make sense, you’re not alone. The good news is a fix is on the way.

First, let’s break down what the Windows 11 Recommendations feature is meant to do.

It’s supposed to show you apps, files, or websites that Windows thinks you’ll want to open next, based on what you’ve used before. For example, any apps or websites you use regularly are supposed to pop up in your Recommendations for easy access.

Sounds useful, right? It could become a favourite time-saving feature for busy teams if it worked well. However, with suggestions often feeling random and unhelpful, many ignore this part of the Start menu.

So, what’s changing?

Microsoft has started rolling out updates (currently in testing) to make Recommendations a lot smarter.

They’ve fine-tuned the way Windows understands what’s relevant to you. And early feedback suggests the updated feature is much better at showing things you need – like that file you were working on yesterday or the app you use most during work hours.

If you’ve been frustrated by the Start menu in the past, look for these improvements. They’re a step in the right direction.

Are you and your team taking advantage of all the other productivity-boosting features in Windows 11? If not, let us help you get started. Get in touch.

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