Why now is a great time to start your own business • Blisstech Solutions

“I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan

We are living in unprecedented times.  People are being prevented from leaving their homes and the average worker has been sent to work from home, put on reduced hours, or worse.  It is understandable that this is a very scary time for people, not knowing what happens next.  Fortunately, the UK government has stepped in, providing support so businesses can continue to pay their employees if the business has to go into stasis.  This means that there are lots of people who cannot work but are still being paid.

Light Bulb Moment

Now, I am making an assumption that not everyone is delighted with their job/boss/employers.  I am also making an assumption that there are MILLIONS of workers out there who wish they could start their own business, or at least test the waters, if they only had the time and the money.

Well, guess what…  You now have the time and the security to be able to do this.  Now is a great time do your research into what it takes to start a business.


Yes, times are uncertain and starting a business is a risk.  But consider this; you may never get as much time or security than you have right now.  80% of your wages are being paid, and you have time; lots of it!  The scary thing about starting a business is the unknown.  To remove the unknown, you need to research, but you never had the time, until now.

So, what next?

If you have always dreamed of working for yourself then you already know what you want to do.  So you need to research the competitors in your chosen passion to understand how they operate,

the services/goods they offer and what their prices are.  From there you can look at suppliers, if you want to sell goods, or at platforms if you want to become a freelancer.  If you have only just started to think about starting a business, you may need some inspiration.  Think about the things you enjoy, or the things that you are already good at and then Google the hell out of it to see if there is a way to turn that into a business.  I can guarantee there will be.  As the saying goes:

‘Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’ – Unknown

We can help

Once you get to the point where you decide you want to dip your toe in the water, one of the best ways to showcase your skills is via a website, and there may be other tools you need.  You can find more information about this on our Services page, or by getting in touch with us.

Good luck, and remember: If you never try, you’ll never know.

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