Tech Tip: How to get the most out of Google searches • Blisstech Solutions

Hello everyone! Today’s Tuesday Two Minute Tech-tip shows you how to get the best out of your Google searches.

Google search is arguably the best in the world and gives us the internet at our fingertips, but it can be hard to find what you are looking for.

This tip will help you to find what you are looking for by using some techniques that help you to get specific with Google.

This tip will explain:

👉 How to be more specific with your Google searches.
👉 How to search for information on a specific site or in a specific file format.
👉 How to use Google to do conversions for currency, or anything else!

These tips will help you to:

💥 ‘Google’ more accurately.
💥 Find information in a specific website or file format.
💥 Easily convert data and currencies.

Thanks for watching.

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